As part of the Biotech4Food project, we are at a crucial stage: defining the 3 new value chains that will be developed in the next phase of the project. This definition is a crucial task inside the Work Package 2, focused on the strategic implementation and the roadmapping.
Indeed, the first phase of the project involved regional multistakeholders brainstorming of biotechnology applied to the agri-food sector. The partners from the 8 regions surveyed their ecosystems, including food companies, biotechnology application suppliers, RTO’s and regional authorities, to evaluate the potential of biotech.
In addition to the survey, more in-depth interviews with experts in the field were conducted in each region, as well as additional sources of information for the ecosystem and SWOT analysis including other projects, general reports and the regional multi-stakeholder brainstorms.
The objectives of the whorkshops
- The main goal of the workshops was to go more into detail on the challenges related to implementing biotechnology in the food industry and to discuss potential measures to address these challenges.
- The second goal was to identify themes for which interregional cooperation could be advantageous.
- The third goal of the workshops was to ensure no data was missing in the regional analyses (identification of stakeholders, regional strategies & projects, local start-up environment, SWOT analysis, …).
Based on these insightful discussions, our partner Flanders’ FOOD, through an external consultant, is currently developing a roadmap to define 3 value chains, related with these objectives,. This will provide the consortium with a solid understanding of the potential of these biotechnologies, enabling the extraction of a strategic vision at the European level.
By the end of the year, the consultant’s work will be completed, and we will be able to share and present the results.