The Biotech4Food consortium finds its origin in the existing Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnership ‘Ingredients for a Circular Economy’ (I4CE). The consortium is composed of seven agrifood innovation clusters, 2 RTOs, one regional authority (RCM) and 15 industrial partners. The consortium represents 5 countries, 21 NUTS2 EU regions, with 2 less developed regions, 11 transition regions and 8 more developed regions.

Wagralim is the agri-food innovation cluster of reference in Wallonia. With its +250 members, the cluster accelerates the growth of the Walloon agri-food system through various services with technical and market-oriented objectives. Wagralim is deeply involved in the execution of the Walloon RIS3 and highly linked with the regional authorities and EC in this perspective. Wagralim has developed a wide local network with a quadruple helix approach and has connections around the world. WAG is the lead region and holds the Established Office of the I4CE Partnership. Wagralim is the coordinator of the Biotech4Food project and involved in the implementation of the other work packages.
Flanders’ FOOD
Flanders’ FOOD is a cluster organisation and the spearhead cluster agri-food in Flanders. Flanders’ FOOD focusses on the economic growth of the Flemish agri-food industry and has about 300 company members and in that respect acts as an enabler for innovation and integrator to create a trust zone of open innovation with all stakeholders in the agri-food business complex. Flanders’ FOOD is very well connected to other sectors to enable cross-sectoral innovation and collaborations. Flanders’ FOOD is the co-lead region of the I4CE Partnership.
In Biotech4Food Flanders’ FOOD will be the work package leader of work package 2 and involved in the implementation of the other work packages.
Valorial is an agri-food competitiveness cluster in the west of France with offices in Brittany, Pays de la Loire and Normandy. It focuses on 6 areas of innovation: water, climate, soil; farms & factories operational excellence; food supply for better eating; sustainable plant & animal production; biomass full valorisation; innovative food uses & services. Valorial stimulates innovation within its ecosystem and accompanies its 400 members with projects from idea to market, market intelligence, networking, partners & funding search, international & European scale-up, innovation management, know-how promotion.
Valorial is the co-lead of work package 3 in Biotech4Food and involved in the implementation of the other work packages.
Innov’Alliance is a cluster with a network of more than 400 members. It gathers companies and research and training organisations. Among its members, Innov’Alliance has a significant number of providers of technical and technological solutions, start-ups, SMEs, mid-caps, which have a strong potential for international development. All actors are representative of the whole agri-food value chain, from producers to consumers through solution providers. Innov’Alliance missions consist of supporting SMEs growth through open innovation. To do so, SMEs are networking with other innovative stakeholders to find relevant partners and business opportunities.
Inov’Alliance is involved in the implementation of all the work packages in Biotech4Food.
Agrifood CLUST-ER
The Agrifood Clust-ER is an association of public and private organisations: companies, research centres, training institutions, that share skills, ideas and resources to support the competitiveness of the sector. Agrifood Clust-ER is one of the seven thematic clusters set up by the Emilia-Romagna Region to support collaborations in strategic R&D sectors to boost the regional innovation potential. Together with the Technopoles and the High Technology Network laboratories, the Clust-ERs are key players in the regional innovation ecosystem coordinated by ART-ER, the Emilia-Romagna consortium for innovation and technology transfer.
Agrifood Clust-ER is involved in the implementation of all the work packages. Fenga Food innovation will be the affiliated partner of Clust-ER in the project
AgroTech Export Cluster
Agrotech export cluster is established as the agri-food, agrotechnology and agrobiotechnology cluster, formed by a variety of privately owned firms in collaboration with SEVE (Greek Exporters Association), CERTH (The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas), the Greek-Italian Chamber of Commerce (Thessaloniki Branch) and the American Farm School (Thessaloniki – Research & Education Institute). Their vision is to become the growth catalyst and reference point of the agri-food sector in Greece and abroad, utilizing the unique Greek agricultural products and the know-how, innovation and productive capacity of its members, to promote prosperity, healthy Mediterranean diet and sustainable development. Their mission is to equip partners and members with competitive advantages of international scope, providing innovative solutions, know-how, products and services of high added value.
ATE is the lead for work package 5 in Biotec4Food and also involved in the implementation of the other work packages.
CNTA, the National Centre for Food Technology and Safety is a private non-profit making association. The aim of this technological centre is to contribute towards improving the competitiveness and quality of the food sector. It undertakes two lines of activity: knowledge capture and technology transfer through, R&D Projects, technological services & training. CNTA has 389 associated companies, that are the main companies and entities within the agri-food sector. CNTA works with more than 850 companies in the sector.
CNTA is the co-lead of work package 3 in Biotech4Food and involved in the implementation of the other work packages.
The agri-food cluster of Navarre, NAGRIFOOD, is a non-profit organisation of more than 100 entities bringing together companies, knowledge centres and universities, as well as public institutions. Together they aim to contribute to ensuring that the agri-food industry and by this the whole agri-food sector in Navarre becomes more competitive. NAGRIFOOD does this by supporting collaboration, open innovation and entrepreneurship. It is a fundamentally dynamic organisation, with its cornerstones firmly established in loyal interaction between its members.
Nagrifood is the lead of work package 6 “Communication & dissemination” in Biotech4Food and involved in the implementation of the other work packages.
ANFACO-CECOPESCA is a private non-profit business association founded in 1904, representing and defending the sectoral interests of more than 250 companies from the marine and food industry network. It also provides high added value services through its Technology Centre, whose main objectives are to promote the quality, research and technological development in the marine and food products sector, being a reference for the development of R&D&I projects in the fields of Digitalization – Industry 4.0, Biotechnology -Health, Sustainability – Circular economy, and Marine resources – Aquaculture, generating knowledge that can be later transferred to the industrial sector, improving its competitiveness.
Anfaco is involved in the implementation of all the work packages.
In future posts, we will introduce you to the SMEs involved in the project and what they are aiming to achieve through this process. Remember to keep up to date and follow us on LinkedIn to receive a notification of our latest posts and articles.