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Clusters meet regions 2024: Charleroi Metropole ‘s economic revival.

November 27, 2024 - November 28, 2024

A successful transition from an old to a high-tech industry.


The Clusters Meet Regions will be held on 27 and 28 November 2024.

The event is organized by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform in the Charleroi Region (Wallonia, Belgium), in partnership with IGRETEC Charleroi and the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA). We will be there to present the I4CE partnership and the Biotech4Food project. Wagralim, in the name of the consortium, will present the first results. 


Clusters Meet Regions + Biotech4Food


The main objective of the event is to promote the wider uptake and development of Life Sciences, Cleantech and Advanced Manufacturing in Belgium. But also to explore how regional development agencies, clusters and other stakeholders could foster stronger collaboration in the implementation of regional and national economic development policies.


What is the “Clusters Meet Region”?

This series was created in a context where European countries have to compete with strong emerging economies. This context is also characterized by a rapidly changing economic and social environment.

In this situation, the location of clusters really matters, as evidence shows that they develop more easily in urban and regional ecosystems with a favourable administrative and regulatory environment and access to skilled labour, markets, financial and business support services.

“What really matters is the involvement of clusters in regional economic governance, in policy design and implementation at regional level.”

What the clusters have asked of the administration is that the regional authorities should know their clusters and understand how they can shape, improve and effectively contribute to the design and implementation of regional development policies.

Organisations and clusters should also take action to implement projects that are relevant to the economic development of their local communities.

Another important factor for the development of clusters in the Euroregion is cooperation between organizations from different countries.

AGORADA+ discusses innovation in life sciences, cleantech and advanced manufacturing ecosystems for regional development.

13 regional workshops have already been organised in the EU regions, which expressed their interest to host the events in 2024-25 as part of the “Clusters meet Regions” cycle.

The aim of these sessions is to bring together clusters and policy makers at EU, national, regional and local level to learn from each other on how to better use clusters to strengthen industrial ecosystems, serve national/regional economic development and link with other regions facing similar transition challenges.


Agenda of the event

We will share the information once they publish it on the official website of the event (Clusters Meet Regions – Charleroi, Belgium | European Cluster Collaboration Platform). 


Charleroi as the perfect location for collaboration

Charleroi is a city in the heart of Wallonia, 1 hour from Brussels. This charismatic region is known for its industrial history and for being the cradle of some world-class international companies.

The metropolis has around 600,000 inhabitants and was, a few years ago, one of the richest regions in Europe.

It suffered an economic crisis, but managed to overcome it by creating new cutting-edge industries. In 2006, the Walloon government also launched a competitiveness policy.




The re-industrialisation is a major challenge at the European level. 

In that way, focusing on Life sciences, Cleantech and Advanced manufacturing these CmR session will showcase how the Charleroi Metropole is managing to improve and transform, with the help of regional and European funds (total of +/- 500 millions €) its industrial strategy. And especially, to showcase the key role of the clusters and ecosystem’s to improve the competitiveness of companies.

On the event, good practices will be shared and exchanged in order to connect with other European peers and to continue to learn from others.


What public can you expect?

The event aims to bring together around 100 representatives of regional development agencies, part of or outside EURADA’s network, cluster organizations, national public authorities, companies, and business support organizations from EU Member States and regions. Participation from a wide range of economic development actors is expected, including financial intermediaries, clusters, innovation hubs, industrial associations, investors, business angels, crowdfunding platforms, and others.


All the organization Committee and partners are delighted to welcome you in Charleroi, the 27 and 28 November 2024!

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Charleroi, Wallonia 6010 Belgium + Google Map
+32 49 23 75 960
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+32 49 23 75 960
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